Saturday, May 21, 2011

Great Goodness

Bonjour ladies and gents.

Today's blog/devotional will be a quickie because I've come to realize that I spend more time blogging and less time listening to God. So here goes:

God is good. I don't know if this is obvious for you, but there are definitely times when I forget just how good He is. I am reading Psalm 92 and the whole thing is praise to  God by David explaining just how amazing God is. For what He has done and for who He is.

----This semester has been one of the best for me. There are lots of reasons why, but I'd rather take this moment to praise God instead of rattle off things I think I did well.------
       I got a 3.77 GPA this semester which I thought wouldn't be because everyone says that the semester after study abroad would be the hardest because of the culture shock. Boy did God shock me! God is good because He does not limit Himself to our expectations, He surpasses them!
       I built good friendships with people I care about, not just with people with whom I have a friendship. Through a semester program called MOmentum, I learned about the intensity of love that God has for my campus and how I need to be the one that shares that love with others. God is good because God is love.
----That's is all I'll be sharing for now. I have work in an hour and want to spend a bit longer in God's presence. Love you all and please pray for me. This summer is still up in the air.-------

Much love, peace and goodness grease,
              Ife S.

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