Friday, July 1, 2011

A list of things that make me wanna scream

1. When people constantly interrupt.
2. When people think it's okay to talk extremely loud into my ear.
3. When people behave and handle situations like they are incapable of getting over themselves.
4. When people act in creepy ways.
5. When I fail at life in the same ways
6. When people lie to my face. It just sucks. Especially when they want to prove their point.

Upon starting this list, I thought I felt justified in creating it. But it's just that life's not perfect. It really isn't, and the crazy thing is that I don't want to be part of that imperfection. It sucks. It sucks that when I think things should be going well, it doesn't. When I think I'm done for the day, the work never stops. It just never stops and my issue is that I am not one to forget things. I do forget a lot, but if it's something that I haven't done, that will stay on my head. And the truth of the matter is, I don't want to do it. I really don't. Today was a lazy day and that is all I wanted it to be. That is not what it was. Yes, I spent a good portion of the day doing what I wanted and yes I was glad to get some things done, but whenever I come back to the house and there are more and more people who need taking care of, I really just want to leave because the work just never stops.

When I grow up, this can't be it. The house is so out of whack, and to be frank, I really don't feel obligated to put it together. These are not my kids and this is not my responsibility. The honest truth. I am so aware of the things that should be done in this life and the work that people put into many things, but once I start realizing all the stuff that needs to be changed or rearranged in this house and someone else broke it..or messed it up, I stop caring.

Uh. I need a boost and not so many people. They can be draining. Especially the adults. But whatever. I'll get over it. I need to quit with the self-help books. Makes me realize how not-perfect I am. I don't need any of that besides the bible.

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