Sunday, October 27, 2013

What a Gift

If I passed up this opportunity to speak, my heart would be restless.

I take my blessings where I get them. When the light turns green as I am running 4 minutes late to work, when the winds blow gently enough that I sense the seasons change, when I nearly escape accidents on the road because of my zombie-like driving habits, when I can pay all my bills and can take a flight home on the holidays. I count those blessings every day because some people don't get the ray of sunshine that day. Their days, which turn into weeks, are marked by the onslaught of rain. The rain that doesn't let up and is matched with dark clouds that overshadow the potential for a sliver of sun light.

I've had dark days. Days where I can't help a student, days where I let my pride get in the way of being someone's saving grace, days where I can't see the purpose of anything I'm doing. But my days don't get as dark as the days where Death releases a soul.

Regardless, these past few weeks, I've come to know Death more than I would have hoped. Witnessing its effects and the myriad of responses we have to its presence.

We outright refuse Death: No! This can't be happening!
We tremble: Please! Tell me it isn't true?
We dismiss Death: What happened? What was wrong? How is this true?
We break down where tears and pain are inconsolable. Our strength is zapped.

I've prayed. Cried. Sung. Sat in silence.
And somehow the pain of loss becomes dulled by the joy of life. Life is a gift!

This person was given a gift. And, God willing, they used it and shared this gift with others.
Gifts are precious because gifts are a gesture of love. From His heart to ours. From the treasures of gold, rubies, diamonds, fancy cars and clothes, He chose to give us another person in our life with whom we could share our joys, our hopes, our sadness and our victories.

Life given is a gesture of love.
Life taken is a signal that the presence of that person is no more, but their legacy will live on in me. I am now all the better because I've been given this gift and whoever they were is now part of me. What a gift.

To this end, we should cry the tears of pain, then cry the tears of joy because you've been given a precious gift because He loves you. That love is never ending, be it in the form of a person or otherwise. That love, let's embrace that love.

(P.S. I haven't lost anyone particularly close to me, but life's meaning hit me significantly these past few weeks. I celebrate life.)

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