Friday, May 20, 2011

My sin

Hey Hey Hey!

Okay, this is actually a devotional that I really like because it pertains to what I've been struggling with since I was conceived: sin. Sin is my addiction and my sin has not been properly dealt with.

I am reading from James 1:13-22 and the verse that stuck out to me was verse 14 that outlines exactly what temptation is. I know I can let you know where temptation comes from, but this verse takes a step by step process to explain exactly we are tempted:

1. It starts from our evil desires being lured.
2. Then the evil desires turn into evil actions
3. And then those evil actions lead to death.

The one thing that I will say is that sometimes what I convince myself that are godly desires, are really evil ones. Like when I convince myself  by saying some guy is wonderfully made by God and my obsession with him is me appreciating God's creature, I obviously have taken what could have been something simple and not complex to another level. I am feeding my evil desire and letting myself be tempted. If I proceed to act on those desires by texting him 24 hours of the day (complete exaggeration), then I have let my temptation lead to sin. He has become an idol; something that takes my focus from God.

Well, I gotta go. My shift is at 12pm and it's quarter till.

I'll come back to this later :) Chao. God's grace is sufficient for me, but I have to stop continuing in sin that grace may abound.

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