Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Sleep chronicle: Daily report on sleeping patterns

Ay friend. What it do?

As I mentioned in a previous blog post (I've Got It Twisted), I am chronicling my sleeping hours, the effects and what not till I get to a place where I'm sleeping 7-9 hours regularly (I don't think I've slept that much in a while. Problematic.)
I'm doing this, not because I think sleep is the most important part of my life, but because I am very aware of the fact that I am not effective, listening to God or responsive when I have little-to-no sleep. In Psalm 4:8, sleep is associated with peace, which is what God provides. I want peace.

So here goes. Let me know if you have any suggestions!

Day 1--5 hours. Woke up late. Didn't do devotions. Dozed off in two of my classes. By 5:00pm I wasn't taking any intellectual information in or being responsive to questions. I lost my train of thought really quickly and forgot what people said just as quickly. I might be getting sick. I don't know yet. Took a 1.5 hour nap during the day. Missed LG and got a bit behind on hw. Physically felt drained and not alert at all. 3:30am-8:15am.

Day 2--6 hours. Wrote an Arabic paper/did devotions. Struggled to stay awake in class and at work, but stayed awake. Didn't take a nap, but really wanted to skip class to take one. Physically felt weighed down with my lack of energy and sleep. 2am-8:15am

Day 3--6.5 hours. Did devotions (for 10 min). "Did" my Arabic hw and was NOT late to class. I stayed awake in my second class (IC) until the very end, but it was better than the last class. I still felt tired, but sat down a rested for a while. I took a 2.0 hour nap during the day, missed an event I wanted to really go to. :Sad day: 1am-7:30am

Day 4--6.5 hours 1:30am-8am

Day 5--6 hours 45 min. 1:45am-8:30am. Wanted to nap.

Day 6--~6 hours  2:10am-8:30am. Felt good and engaged today. Took a 1hr nap, but it wasn't too long and that was sufficient. I was pooped by the end of the day, but that might have been because I was running around all day.

Day 7--~7 hours 12:30am-5:00am, 6:45am-8:45am. No nap. Felt really good all day. Didn't feel tired though my sleep was broken up. Didn't start feeling sleepy till after 1pm. Very productive day with hw and relaxation. Stayed awake for the most part in church.

Day 8--~7 hours1:45am-8:40am  Woke up late, but got ready in <15 min.

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