Saturday, November 5, 2011

Breakfast anyone?

Howdy partner!

It's me. Tanguina Tina. Just chillin' with God and seeing what's good with you. It has been a while since I last blogged, but I'm here to remedy this and provide another post showing how ballin' Jesus is.

Alright, I really wish Jesus could come back in the flesh at times because in this passage (John 21:1-23), He hooked up the disciples with breakfast! How sweet it that? Village Brunch is great and all, but with the type of inspiration Jesus has, that breakfast would be Campbell delicious--mmm mmm gooood!

[So Ife, what does breakfast have to do with this?] I'm glad you asked. Let me set the table AKA the scene.

We approach this table after Jesus just finished some miracles. NBD. He also just finished showing His wounds to Thomas, the doubter (Jesus didn't get much lovin' from him in this passage). Thomas was trippin' because Jesus hadn't showed Himself to him personally and he was being difficult: "Unless I see the nail marks in his hands and put my finger where the nails were, and put my hand into his side, I will not believe." Really though? Did he just say put my fingers in his side? WHY? (gross). But Thomas was that serious.

Am I asking God for signs in order to believe or have I discounted His existence?

Then Jesus shows up, shows out (in the most peaceful, caring manner) and let's Thomas check Him out. Case closed. Thomas believes that Jesus is living. So what's the next step? FISHING!?!? This was most of the disciples' occupation so they had to go to work at night, when the fish were sleeping and in their calm state (optimal time for fish catching--early early morning or super late night...they really might be the same). But dun dun dun. They catch nothing.

                                   Nothing... you get the picture.

These are professionals in their field, probably learned from the best in fishing, have been doing it for so long,  it ain't no thing. But they caught nothing. They had no results for their labor.

In what ways do I labor in my "specialty" and see no results, at least the results I expect?

Then Jesus steps in, gives them a few suggestions and vuala! FISH! Not just a few, but a "large number of fish". 153 to be exact. They brought the fish in and Jesus had hooked up a nice cooking fire, fish and some bread. Breakfast anyone?

Jesus fed them. He provided them with what they needed at the right time. They might have been having a fit when they didn't get results. "I'm a professional fisher. I catch fish. That's what I do."

This is one of the reasons Jesus came to Earth, to keep us from laboring, struggling in vain. He wants to guide us, give us some great insight in life and provide us breakfast. But this didn't happen the way the disciples expected. Let's not continue in vain struggle and toiling, but instead let Jesus set us up to enjoy the labor our fruits by doing what He asks. Say 'no' to the stress, 'no' to the struggle, 'no' to the pointless labor and say 'yes' to breakfast from Jesus.

So, are you going to let Jesus hook you up with breakfast?

Much love, peace, and breakfast grease (yummm),
         Ife 'Quipayan' S.

P.S. I'm pretty pumped to apply to some of my after college applications and such. I hope to be teaching English in another country for a few years before going to grad school. I wonder if that's actually what God has planned. But, I'm actually hungry, so I'mma grab some brunch. Deuces.

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