Saturday, October 29, 2011

Not against flesh and blood

Dear Enemy,

I'm calling you out on your mess.
I'm calling you out on your lies.
I'm calling you out on your deception.
I'm calling you out on your wratchedness.

I'm calling you out.

I'm calling you out because you really had me going for a sec.
When you had convinced me that nothing I did would succeed.
You're right.
That's why I'm giving my mind, heart and soul to the One who makes all things possible.

I'm calling you out because you really screwed with my mind.
When you had me convinced that my friends didn't care for me.
You were wrong.
So, I'm committing them and myself into the hands of the One is who is Father to the fatherless.

I'm calling you out because you really had me walking around blind.
When you had me convinced that some people didn't deserve my time.
You were wrong.
Now I'm dropping the games and showing the love of the ultimate Lover.

I'm calling you out for every broken relationship you had me thinking had no remedy.
I'm calling you out for every single day I walked arounding hiding in shame.
I'm calling you out for the times I was too afraid to share the good news.
I'm calling you out because, quite frankly, you need Jesus. Just sayin'.

So, enemy. You've had your time in the limelight, but I'm taking it back.
I have the authority that has been given to me by the King.
I am royalty.
I am loved.
I am unstoppable.
I am adored.

Don't look at me like you've got this in the bag.
This community belongs to my Father.
Sleeves are being rolled up.
People are getting serious.

Play your games (you're wasting your time).
Speak your lies (you're wasting your breath).
But enough is enough.

"For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms." Ephesians 6:12

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