Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Grace on grace on grace: Thanksgiving Special

Thank you.

Thank you for your love that is relentless and the gentle way you wake me up every morning. I do not take it for granted.

I will thank you on this blog, I will thank you in my classes and I will thank you in the presence of my hommies.

You've turned my rough mornings into noteworthy afternoons, making it as if I didn't just roll out of bed and run to class.

You've turned places of hurt into arenas of joy and peace. Where there was no life, you stepped in and breathed your life.

I thank you for taking me through those valleys and for loving me enough to not leave me there.
I thank you for giving me the type of joy that doesn't dwindle with the tossing of the waves or with the onslaught of homework.

This semester has been grace on grace on grace on grace. And for that I thank you.

Thanking God does not start with Thanksgiving, I know, but let's take this time to really sit, listen, remember, and thank.

Psalm 107:31-43

I deeply desire that you find reasons to be thankful this time of the year and recognize how blessed you are, so...

Much love, peace and thankfulness grease,
     Ife 'Quipayan' S.

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