Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Penny for your thoughts (well mine)

Sometimes I’m not sure people want to hear my thoughts. In life we’re encouraged to be bold, speak up, stand for something, let your voice be heard, but, they never let us know how to be in situations when people don’t want to hear it. Sometimes, I’m not sure people want to hear my thoughts.

I consider myself to be quite thoughtful, as in full of thought. I think often and deeply. I think about yesterday, I think about tomorrow, I think about the boy that just sat beside me and I think about what my face looks like from someone else’s perspective. I ponder about love and about selfishness. I ruminate about my failures and my successes (sometimes too frequently). I chew over the things I’ve forgotten and the things I never let go.

I think. A lot. But I wander if people ever want to know what I’m thinking. I’d love to share it with them. That’s probably why I write so much. If only I could automatically take my thoughts and sprinkle them on this canvas, if only I could empty my brain and pick through the ripe thoughts, the interestingly neglected ones, the bothersome ones. If only.

To stop thinking, would that be so wrong? If for one day, I chose not to sit and think or let my mind wander, would that be so wrong? I’m too curious for such an act. I’d lose control of my mouth and have enemies lined up at my door.
My thoughts are valuable, well, the mature ones at least. I’m not sure about the recently budding contemplations that have “Dead End” dangling from them. I think because I am (alive). I am (alive) because I think. So, to think is to be. If for one day I chose not to think, I would have chosen death.

Hence, at the end of the day it doesn’t matter if people want to hear my thoughts. I want to live. Eso nomas. 

***So if you just read my blog and don't care about my thoughts, thank you. You've simply added to my life.***
---Have a great day.---

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