Sunday, November 6, 2011

I've got it twisted

Yo, so God is working on me in not getting my priorities twisted.

I fell asleep amidst my homework around 1-ish in the AM, then woke up around 3-ish 'cause sleeping in my clothes was uncomfortable. Then, I didn't fall back asleep till 7am. Missed church and am now here listening to a sermon online (not that this is bad, but church is a place to share in community what God is doing in His kingdom through us).

I totally have my priorities twisted and with God's help it'll be worked out. Henceforth, I'll share a bit about my progress on priorities and sleep  progress. If only I can convince myself that sleeping is necessary...

Deuces. I'm out.

Do you have your priorities straightened out? Share so we pray in this together!

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