Friday, August 26, 2011

She got soft

I'm sitting in my dorm room thinking about what I want from this year in college. It's my last and I'm semi-scared that I won't do everything I want to do or fortify the friendships I hold so dear to me. (The following has nothing to do with this).

I just got off the phone with my mom and every time I talk to my padres, I always feel as if I need to be at home because of the things that just aren't going right. However, I know that being removed from them in body does not mean that my God does not hold them in the palm of His hands. In this I take comfort.

Each year it gets more and more difficult to leave and talk to them on the phone. It's taking a toll on my emotional stability kind of (only slightly) because I'm trying to tell them not to worry, but I'm worried about them and I almost cried on the phone today. Simply by talking to them about the things that arise and the discouragement, I feel so incapable of helping from my 328miles away.

This is a recent phenomena. I don't have lots of time to explain, but I've begun to realize that love means bearing burdens together. Actually bearing them and taking them as yours. God, you are my burden bearer. I do not want to bear them alone and thankfully I don't have to.

Others may not understand, but my God is always the comfort that I need. Thought the tears may come, the smile that He brings is knowing that His hand stretches from St. Louis to Milwaukee.

I'm out. Gotta finish packing and I have Spanish interviews tomorrow to be a TA. Wish me luck :)

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