Monday, August 15, 2011

All I Do Is Win

Isaiah 41:17-20 Read this. Then read the blog.

Good day, mates! Welcome, again, to LIGHTING THE PATH! :applause: As you may know, I like to write, but am not that good. You may also know that I have work at 10:30am and it is now, I unfortunately will make this quick. Rapid writing and less-than writing don't make for a great combination, but I have a secret weapon...I'm writing about the Bible! What?!?! Yes. La Biblia. Check it.

So, I read that quick passage (it's a shortie, so read it if you haven't).First thought: God is definitely flexing His muscles in this one. It reminded me of magicians that say things that we all think to be impossible: "I will make this deck of cards disappear!" Crowd is normally half skeptical and half trying to figure out how IN THE WORLD will he do it. At least, that's the way I think.

But, unlike magicians, there is no trick factor with God. There is no 'here's how I do it' segment. He just does it. Time after time. Day after day. And in this passage, He says "I will turn the desert into pools of water, and the parched ground into springs." (Are you skeptic? How does He do it?!)

This is God winning. How? Because He does it all the time and when He does, it makes people realize His greatness. When this happens, some sort of understanding takes place that what God is doing is definitely not a human thing; it must be a God thing. And that's the beginning of a great relationship. #winning.

When you decide that winning is what you want to do, take time to read this passage if you haven't already and converse with God about how you can start winning, winning through His strength. It's a God thing.

*All I Do Is Win*

Alright, mates. Chao for now.

Much love, peace and #winning grease,
      Ife 'Quipayan' S.

P.S. School starts in two weeks. GET HYPE!

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