Tuesday, August 16, 2011


I've wasted so much time this morning.

Yo (it's 9:09am and I've been up for an hour! That is only Jesus. I haven't done a whole lot, but I've been up.)

Basically what I gained from my devotions this morning was that when God calls me to do something or to go on a mission (ooh so serious), He provides me with all the necessary tools and gadgets I need. Ain't that something?

The passage is from Mark 6: 30-44. Jesus Feeds the 500 with just 5 loaves and 3 fishes.

Scenario: The disciples were kickin' it with Jesus, listening to His stories and all the knowledge He was dropping. But, clearly, that knowledge was just so fly that others got wind of it and started gathering to hear too (share the wealth)! The disciples and Jesus decided that, after some time, it was time to go. So, they left....to rest and debrief maybe?
    But, the people still followed! Tough.

    Nevertheless, Jesus was not going to turn them away. They followed Him to this remote area of the city and there was no turning back. It had gotten late and dinner was OVA'. They missed it. All 500 of them so that they could hear J.C. talk. :Tummy rumbles: Yep, someone was hungry and one of the intelligent disciples suggested, "Send the people away so that they can go to the surrounding countryside and villages and buy themselves something to eat."

"FEED THEM" Jesus said.
"Jesus say what?" the disciples responded.

Jesus wasn't trying to play jokes. He really wanted the disciples, those that noticed the need, to fill it. Do it yourself. The disciples found out that there were 5 loaves of bread and 3 fish (es). The need could be filled.

There was a need. Jesus wants me to fill it. He provides the things I need to fill it.Then He does His stuff. In this scenario, it was the multiplication of those 8 items into thousands of items.....and then some.

The mission (oo so serious) He calls me for is never unorganized, ill-prepared or a spur of the moment. If I need a gun, He provides it (J.C. does not endorse violence of evil nature). If I need a map, it's there. But He is asking me to go on that mission (oo so serious) and be His hands and feet when He calls me to Do it myself.
So, go on a mission (oo so...never mind). Fill those needs and be sure to know that Jesus will provide all you need. Just do it (not endorsed by Nike)!
Much love, peace and mission grease,

     Ife 'Quipayan' S.

P.S. School is around the corner and I've gotta get ready for work. Yesterday, Tofe turned 17 and there were more boys in my house than I have seen in a while! Ooh. I need to go back to schoooool!

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