Friday, May 14, 2010

Eager Beaver


So, last night I watched Julie & Julia, a film written and directed by Nora Ephron. If you haven't seen it, then don't worry; I won't give anything away. If you have seen it, I must say that I was surprisingly inspired. Though I couldn't handle all the scenes, I thought it was such a motivational film. I found it inspirational for 3 reasons:
  1. It followed the story of two women who shared similar paths in life, but were able to overcome them,
  2. It was a relatable experience that they shared (not that I adore cooking). It was not an acting gig or a dance recital (or maybe I'm just bad at them), and
  3. It wasn't extrememly dramatic. I could handle the breakdowns and the drawbacks. It was believable (I's based on TWO true stories).

Because of that, I was inspired. First and foremost to continue this blog :) and secondly to find something I am passionate about and chronicle it's growth. This is the hard part.

I haven't found this 'chronicable' passion yet, but I'm searching. I also want it to be meaningful. Not just to watch 101 greatest movies of all times in 1 month or finish the rest of the seasons of Lost in 2 months.

Meaningful. What it is? I don't know, but I'll let you know later on. I'm excited for this possible journey and how I'll be growing from it. It's weird because my summer plans aren't set in stone yet but, God willing, it'll be by next week and then I'll plan this "chronicable" passion.

Oh, the possibilities. Delicious.

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