Saturday, May 15, 2010

"Chronicable" Passion

By George, I've got it!

Okay, so in my last blog, I wrote about something that I'd want to do that would allow me to grow and that I could blog about. So, here it is: The Bible!

I haven't worked out the details exactly on what I'd want to do and how it would be done, but I was spending some time with God this morning and basically, He told me that what better growth than my relationship with Him and what better timing than this summer. And another thing about it is that in the end as I do it, it'll be extremely meaningful! God, has a funny way of letting me know these things. Well, the one way; when He's speaking.

Alright, so the first thing I'll be using is indeed my bible and this blog. I'll start with an every other day blog of scripture and my thoughts/how it's applicable. The next day, I'll give updates on how I saw it work in my life or how I decided to put it into action because reading/memorizing good words is one thing, but actually living it out is another.
Well, I've got to scram. Off to a hang out session with mi amigos de trabajo. Chao!

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