Saturday, May 22, 2010

Day 2: 6 minute Blog

Now it's a 5 minute blog.
The passage that I read today is from James 4: 1-10. It really made me think about my life.

It talks about the way we should submit ourselves to God and how we don't get what we ask for (when we ask things from God) because we have wrong intentions and do not plan on using this request/gift for HIS glory. Only for our good. I know I do that. I rarely even get to the asking in vain part because I don't spend enough time pleading for my cases or things that I really want. Why? Because I have the mentality that God already knows, which He does, but to show that I really want this, I have to also ask for it myself.

2 minutes.

James 4:1-10 also made me think about where I am in my humility. Am I even humble? I know that I've openly confessed my sin of pride (which I sometimes do it proudly), so my humility is not where it needs to be. The scripture is funny about illustrating pride and submission. It says: "Wash your hands, you sinners, and purify your hearts, you double-minded. 9Grieve, mourn and wail. Change your laughter to mourning and your joy to gloom.10Humble yourselves before the Lord, and he will lift you up."

Essentially, make yourself low and God will increase, making you be lifted up. 

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Day 1: Disobedience and Defeat

Today's verses are from Judges 2: 6-12. 

Story: The Israelites have Joshua as their leader and they all serve God, reverence who He is and know of all the things that He's done for them throughout the years and for their ancestors. But, when Joshua son of Nun dies, the new generation grows up without this knowledge and basically disregard all the things that have been done before them; they start worshipping Baals.

Verse: "They forsook the Lord, the God of their fathers, who had brought them out of Egypt. They followed and worshiped various gods of the peoples around them. They provoked the Lord to anger..." vs. 12. 

Thoughts: I know a bit about the Israelites and where they've come from and all the far out things they did when disobeying God. It was like a cycle for them. They would complain in the desert. God would punish them, then they would say "Oh God, we are so sorry! We'll worship you and only you forever!" Give them two weeks (maybe more. maybe less) and their right back to where they started. Eventually they made it to the Promised Land and they still had issues with trusting God and letting Him take control! Then they get punished. Every single time they do this, they know that they are provoking God to anger...and so do I. The other day, I did something I know (and knew) I shouldn't have. Then, I realized that I should probably ask for forgiveness. I did, but I felt really bad about it: ashamed if you will. I didn't feel like obeying God and coming to Him. And I see how I am comparable to the Israelites, which is really bad rep. Being comparable to the Israelites.

Well, I have to go now, but I guess what I'm taking with me today is that 1) God is a forgiving God (He hasn't smited me) and 2) My sins cause Him grief. 

Saturday, May 15, 2010

"Chronicable" Passion

By George, I've got it!

Okay, so in my last blog, I wrote about something that I'd want to do that would allow me to grow and that I could blog about. So, here it is: The Bible!

I haven't worked out the details exactly on what I'd want to do and how it would be done, but I was spending some time with God this morning and basically, He told me that what better growth than my relationship with Him and what better timing than this summer. And another thing about it is that in the end as I do it, it'll be extremely meaningful! God, has a funny way of letting me know these things. Well, the one way; when He's speaking.

Alright, so the first thing I'll be using is indeed my bible and this blog. I'll start with an every other day blog of scripture and my thoughts/how it's applicable. The next day, I'll give updates on how I saw it work in my life or how I decided to put it into action because reading/memorizing good words is one thing, but actually living it out is another.
Well, I've got to scram. Off to a hang out session with mi amigos de trabajo. Chao!

Friday, May 14, 2010

Eager Beaver


So, last night I watched Julie & Julia, a film written and directed by Nora Ephron. If you haven't seen it, then don't worry; I won't give anything away. If you have seen it, I must say that I was surprisingly inspired. Though I couldn't handle all the scenes, I thought it was such a motivational film. I found it inspirational for 3 reasons:
  1. It followed the story of two women who shared similar paths in life, but were able to overcome them,
  2. It was a relatable experience that they shared (not that I adore cooking). It was not an acting gig or a dance recital (or maybe I'm just bad at them), and
  3. It wasn't extrememly dramatic. I could handle the breakdowns and the drawbacks. It was believable (I's based on TWO true stories).

Because of that, I was inspired. First and foremost to continue this blog :) and secondly to find something I am passionate about and chronicle it's growth. This is the hard part.

I haven't found this 'chronicable' passion yet, but I'm searching. I also want it to be meaningful. Not just to watch 101 greatest movies of all times in 1 month or finish the rest of the seasons of Lost in 2 months.

Meaningful. What it is? I don't know, but I'll let you know later on. I'm excited for this possible journey and how I'll be growing from it. It's weird because my summer plans aren't set in stone yet but, God willing, it'll be by next week and then I'll plan this "chronicable" passion.

Oh, the possibilities. Delicious.