Tuesday, March 20, 2012

The difference-God in Guyana

It took a 3,000 mile trip for me to come back and realize why I have put my life into the hands of someone I can't see. Am I crazy?

It took 4 hours for 4 days in the sun and swollen ankles for me to realize that the relationship I claim with Jesus isn't just for me. Am I selfish?

It took long conversations waay past my [Guyana] bedtime to realize that I love Jesus way more than I actually convey. Am I serious?
Guyana was an amazing experience and I hope that I get to share it with you, reader, because God did wonders in me. I can't fully explain in one blog, but I realized why my life was different from that of those who don't believe--I have hope.

Paul lays it out when he writes to the Thessalonian church in the first letter, 4th chapter 13th verse:
"Brothers, we don't want you to be ignorant about those who fall asleep, or to grieve like the rest of men, who have no hope."

Hope: a feeling of expectation and desire for a certain thing to happen. 

This is what I have been given by putting my life into the hands of someone bigger than me and this is what I deeply want to share with others, because Jesus is the hope of all the world. It only took 1 week, 3,000 miles, 10 mosquito bites and a team of dysfunctional people to remind me of this.

Much love, peace and hopeful grease,

Ife 'Quipayan' S. 

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