Thursday, September 8, 2011

Student-Morning-Dread syndrome

"Teach us to number our days aright, that we may gain a heart of wisdom."

I'm a senior in college!!! 3 years of experience under my belt and you would think I've figured it all out.

I woke up early and the first thing I felt was fear and disdain for my lifestyle as a student (late nights, early mornings, half-baked assignments, no breakfast, 4 hours of work ahead, strange smells in the kitchen etc). Those emotions, for me, create a cycle of being stuck and not knowing or desiring to move forward. I hate those moments. What makes it worse is when I can't catch a break to figure it all out. When I have that break, I just want to sleep (but really though). I call this the SMD (Student-Morning-Dread) syndrome. Define it however you like.

The opening line (Teach us...has never made much sense to me, but when I read it (feeling the way I do now), it really calmed me down from this craziness of life. "Teach us to number our days aright." I guess I could interpret it like this:

                           :Teach me to value the days I've been given, seeing each and everyday as another day to
                            succeed in your kingdom.

                            :Teach me to see each day as a day to do what's necessary and valuable, not doing
                             extra. Extra just gets in the way of numbering my days aright.

                             :Teach me to how to enjoy each day as it comes, not dread the day ahead.

This only happens when I make time for my main priorities. Jesus.School.Relationships.The future. Everything else will take a back seat (seriously). Stripping down to the priorities, I have my peace and I am that much wiser.

"Teach us to number our days aright, that we may gain a heart to wisdom."  --Psalm 90:12
Enough with SMD syndrome. 

Much love, peace and syndrome-free grease,
           Ife 'Quipayan' S.

P.S. These past few weeks have been entirely too crazy. Dean McLeod's death, financial aid stuff, Spanish TA interviews at 7:45 in the AM!! Anywho, the craziness has to settle. The future is waiting. Today is the day that the Lord has made. Didn't make it for me to go crazy. shooo.

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