Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Late Conversations

In an attempt to be deep, I'll title this devotional: late conversations.
I, being who I am, woke up late and didn't spend time with God this morning. So here I am, 12:07am, doing what I know is best: listening.

He's speaking from Mark 12:41-44 and it's about the widow and her mite. Giving all she owns.
So here's how the conversation goes (so much for listening).
-My attitudinal self at this moment is questioning why Jesus has to be so right and calling attention to the things that seem insignificant. He watches all these people who are giving/contributing, but only points out the woman who gave "out of her poverty". This is where Jesus starts to handle me. I kind of felt that Jesus was always saying things that no one thought about or no one seemed to understand. It's like spitting out random facts that no one knows, but since it makes you sound smart and intellectual, you say it. But Jesus didn't have to prove anything, so he couldn't have said it to show off his philosophical side.
-The way the woman approached giving was in the most humbling way: she gave because she was grateful. She didn't give because she felt obligated otherwise she wouldn't have given out of her poverty. She didn't give to show off (she had nothing) and she didn't give because she wanted something in return. She gave as a form of gratitude.

-Gratitude that I don't always show.
-So there's the bitterness

-It's as if the woman who gave 2 mites out did everyone else. Everyone who worked hard to give, those who put in lots of time and energy and resources into the temple were outdone by a woman who "put in two very smal copper coins, worth only a fraction of a penny." It's like working so hard and studying so much for an exam and you fail. Absolutely crash and burn. Where did you go wrong?--Where was your Father in all of this.

-Did you really expect a miracle with that $20? or what?
-I don't know what I was expecting when I put in that $20. I really don't know, but I was thankful though. I was indeed. I think.

"May our gifts be sacrificial,
From our hearts, and full of love;
Secretive and never showy,
Pleasing our great god above."-Sper

No place for the calc reject.

My third calculus test is this evening and I'm not studying.