Sunday, April 5, 2015

Smoke Screens

I'm twenty-five years old, and work at a small private education company in Northern Virginia. I grew up in Southeast Wisconsin and am addicted to TV, the internet, and chocolate. Welcome to my world. I'm also a Christian.

Having parents as pastors, my 3 siblings and I grew up in the Bible and the Christian faith. Every statement was followed with a scripture. "Ife, wake up! You'll be late for school. 'A little sleep, a little slumber, a little folding of the hands to rest, and poverty will come on you like a thief and scarcity like an armed man.' Poverty is not for you, gehl." Basically, if God didn't say it, we didn't do it. 

I never found it particularly overbearing, or burdensome to grow up in that type of environment as those on the outside looking in would think. It gave me a foundation to stand on, helped me stay out of trouble (for the most part), and has seen me through many teenage moments. That faith was my guide; my protector so to speak, and this was the case till I entered college, where the faith was not just for me to keep me sober on the weekends, but also something that I'd learn to share with my roommates, classmates and friends. I led bible studies, hosted praise nights and invited all my friends to church.

Then I graduated. My faith became "modernized", more palatable, more appealing and less potent.

This week I'm reading a book titled "Jesus is..." by Judah Smith. The chapter I'm reading deals with the topic of sin. Whoa! A big word. Sometimes, when I say it aloud, I feel like I dropped a curse word, like I said something vulgar. But it's not. It's the reality of our current state of affairs. The chapter emphasizes that we judge people based on how "little" or "big" the sin is. God sees sin as all the same, no curved scale, no levels, nothing. "All have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God."

Having entered the real world, my life, actions, still reflect God, but my words and actions are dulled by the pressure I feel to appease, fit in, keep my job! I work in education so everyone is brilliant and extremely well educated. I'm not sure I quite fit in, so I do my best to assimilate and find where I fit. "We hide behind philosophical musings of cosmic good and evil, and we wax eloquent about love and tolerance and how that would make all the bad in the world go away. It's a smoke screen, a defense mechanism to deflect attention from the gaping holes in our holiness."

I don't want to hide any more. I don't want to fit in by presenting my beliefs as harmless and inoffensive. I don't want to mask the truth for pseudo-truth that is more acceptable.

Father, thank you for the reminder to be just the person I was made to be. Thank you that you show us images of who we are and who you want us to be. May your truth be constantly on my lips. Holy Spirit, guide my thoughts, actions and words this week. That I might be real, true and faithful to the cause.

Until Tuesday! 

Thursday, April 2, 2015


Dear Fellow Citizens of the World,

Happy Spring Break 2015! Whaat!? Well, I'm on Spring Break, that is. I don't know about you, but whatever season of your life you're in, celebrate it.

In the last 2 years since I've written a post, here are the major life updates you need to know:
1. I'm living in the city of my dreams: the DMV--DC.Maryland.Virginia. Set out in June 2013 and haven't looked back. It will be my 2 year anniversary in 2 months and I'm beyond thrilled!
2. I'm the office director of an education company in Virginia and killin' the game (by God's grace).
3. I'm 25. Yep. That happened a few weeks ago.
4. I started learning Portuguese, but haven't set up a consistent learning schedule so I'm basic at best.
5. I attend an amazing church that has been my source of community and strength since moving to the DMV.
6. I've been acting, performing and dancing all over the area and so glad I get to use my talents for good.

If you have questions about any of these updates, feel free to let me know and I'd be more than happy to share my experience with you!

The point of this blog!!:
I'm working through my personal library. While doing some spring cleaning, I realized there were a large number of books I've never actually finished or read. My goal is to blog about these books as a means of keeping track of what I'm reading, but also sharing my thoughts with others.

It would be great if I can finish them all this year, so I'm supposed to be reading at least 4 books a month! YIKES! In attempts to balance, I've chosen to read a fictional, educational, spiritual and professional book each month. Here's the list (don't laugh, I need to purchase more books!):

*Jesus Is...
*El Cuaderno Rojo
*Now, Discover Your Strength
*Development Projects for the New Millennium

Pinochet and Me
Following Jesus in the "Real World"
The Slight Edge
One Thousand Gifts

David & Goliath
Fidel Castro: My Life
When God Writes Your Love Story
China's Congo Plan

Tales of the Not Forgotten
Die Empty
Beyond the Snows of the Andes
Small Group Leaders' Handbook

The Bottom Billion
Intimacy with the Almighty
One Hundred Years of Solitude

Jesus with Dirty Feet
Live the Dream: No More Excuses
My Life My Africa

Please Don't Bomb the Suburbs
The Radical Disciple
Your Road Map for Success

The Power to Dream
Redeeming Love
Breaking the Rules
Nelson Mandela: The Life of a Super Legend

Leading Life-Changing Small Groups
The Palm-Wine Drinkard
Veinte Poemas de Amor
59 Seconds: Change your life in under a minute

Guess what. There are books that didn't make it on the list. I had a few last minutes changes to include my Kindle e-books so that expanded my list. Four books a month is a lofty goal, but I believe it'll be an amazing experience.

Action plan: Blog Sundays, Tuesdays, and Thursdays
Vision: Spend less time watching TV, and more time growing mentally.

Here goes! Wishing you the best this week, and that you find goals to pursue,
-Ife 'Quipayan' S.