Saturday, October 29, 2011

Not against flesh and blood

Dear Enemy,

I'm calling you out on your mess.
I'm calling you out on your lies.
I'm calling you out on your deception.
I'm calling you out on your wratchedness.

I'm calling you out.

I'm calling you out because you really had me going for a sec.
When you had convinced me that nothing I did would succeed.
You're right.
That's why I'm giving my mind, heart and soul to the One who makes all things possible.

I'm calling you out because you really screwed with my mind.
When you had me convinced that my friends didn't care for me.
You were wrong.
So, I'm committing them and myself into the hands of the One is who is Father to the fatherless.

I'm calling you out because you really had me walking around blind.
When you had me convinced that some people didn't deserve my time.
You were wrong.
Now I'm dropping the games and showing the love of the ultimate Lover.

I'm calling you out for every broken relationship you had me thinking had no remedy.
I'm calling you out for every single day I walked arounding hiding in shame.
I'm calling you out for the times I was too afraid to share the good news.
I'm calling you out because, quite frankly, you need Jesus. Just sayin'.

So, enemy. You've had your time in the limelight, but I'm taking it back.
I have the authority that has been given to me by the King.
I am royalty.
I am loved.
I am unstoppable.
I am adored.

Don't look at me like you've got this in the bag.
This community belongs to my Father.
Sleeves are being rolled up.
People are getting serious.

Play your games (you're wasting your time).
Speak your lies (you're wasting your breath).
But enough is enough.

"For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms." Ephesians 6:12

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Livin' life to its fullest

Ya'll sin is no joke.

Read Ephesians 5: 1-10.

I know I've made light of sin before saying "It's my weakness" or "That's my thorn." But that is killing me.

Do you know who you are? As kids of the Heavenly Father, we are taken away from the darkness and placed into the light. The darkness is an indicator of the wrongs we've committed that separate us from true love and the light is how we are made whole again, how we are brought back to life.

John 1:4 "In him was life and this life was the light of men."
John 8:12 "When Jesus spoke again to the people, he said, "I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness, but will have the light of life."

Livin' life!
Basically what the Words of God are saying is that there is no one we can say we are receiving our life from God if we are not in the light, if we are not separating ourselves from the darkness, if we are continuing with the wrong doings that are stripping us of life.

John 10: 10The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full"

The only way we can have life to the fullest, is if we are in the light. The Bible clearly lays it out, but I have to be reminded that life comes from being in the wonderful light that only Jesus provides, otherwise, I'm just walking around in the darkness. Blindly.

So, go. Live life to its fullest. Be in the Light.

Much love, peace and livin' grease,
     Ife 'Quipayan' S.

P.S. It's 9:36am and I have Arabic class in 24 minutes. Gotta bounce! Ma'Salama!

Monday, October 10, 2011

Do you remember?

Oh heeeey friend. Whatchoo doin'? Reading my blog? Wow. You're cool. B)

I want to warn you that this post ends with a rather sweet song, but don't go to the end first: READ this!

If you're wondering what I'm reading, wait no longer:
Psalm 103:1-14

Reading this passage was truly fulfilling as I went away to a conference this weekend and the one thing (out of several) that I gained with the choice I make to thank God and give Him his dues when I'm focused on negative things in life or how sour things are turning. Example: This past Friday, I was in a funk that had me torn, the most torn and stressed that I've ever felt over the span of 24 hours. Inconceivable how fragile I felt. I cried ever few hours, sighed in contempt for life at school and just overall had a weird funk face (the one when everyone knows that something is terribly wrong--can't even fake happiness). Thankfully, God threw all of my friends in my path that day to give me great advice....or was it just to remind me that He loves me? I didn't take their advice. BUT, I did realize how not alone I was though I sometimes felt it. So shout out to Sara B., Yan S, Mommy, Daddy, Genna M., Kelsey B., Cheyenne O., Erin W., Daphne W., Marcia M., and everyone else. You all helped me get through the day. Seriously.

So, when I got to the conference I was semi still in the funk, but on Saturday God reminded me, through a Spanish song (!!!), that I need to praise Him in las buenas y en las malas (In the good and the bad). I had forgotten how much He loves me and all the great things He does for me. I had forgotten. 

The passage in vs. 2 says "Praise the Lord, O my soul and forget not all His benefits." I want to remember how he "forgives", he "heals", "redeems", "works", "makes known his ways". I had forgotten. In the good and in the bad, let us not forget what God has done. Not only to remember, but to praise Him for it. 

So, Do You Remember?

Much love, peace and remembering grease,
      Ife 'Quipayan' S.

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

The Remedy

Oh HEEEEY beautiful reader!

I just want to share these lyrics with you. Today, things panned out in a way I would NOT have imagined. After deciding not to skip a class and own up to my actions (possibly resulting in the loss of a potential position for next year), God still showed me His mercy. I figure I don't deserve it because I mess life up in different ways quite frequently, but the type of security I have in Him remains unshaken. 

Jesus is the only remedy to my craziness. 'The Remedy' by Ayiesha Woods.

A little too much time on your hand
So many things pressing your heart
Now you're caught up in a brain storm
And the winds are tearing you apart
And what matter the most now
Shouldn't matter at all
You forgot who's holding you up
And He won't let you fall

Who's in control of your life
And knows better than you ever will
Who tells you time and again
Hush and be still
It's time to recognize
That your answer in His eyes
Where the river flows If you'll just

Free your mind
And the peace of God will follow
Just give yourself a little time
Don't worry 'bout tomorrow

Don't you know that His joy is your strength
Can you fathom it
Peace beyond your understanding
When you gonna grab a hold of it
Cause you're life's not your own
You can't do it alone
There is a remedy if you will let go and just...

Free your mind
And the peace of God will follow
Just give yourself a little time
Don't worry 'bout tomorrow

Don't you know just thinking about it,
Ain't gonna add one hour
Tell me who's in control

'God, I am grateful for the fact that you're NOT human. You work things out in the most perfect way ever and kick in when I've thrown in the towel. You never give up on me which is great because I gave up on myself around 5:45am this morning. I'm sure my family sometimes wants to give up on me, but because you are YOU, that's just not the case. Not trying to take this for granted, so I'm here to say thank you for all you do on my behalf.'

Much love, peace and thankfulness grease,
    Ife 'Quipayan' S.

P.S. It's Tuesday! Yay!