Friday, December 3, 2010

Notes from my subconscious

Dear friends,

As of Wednesday night, I was officially stressed.
It's not even that I feel rushed, it's that my subconscious that tells me that I'm stressed.

I've had rather strange dreams these past nights.
Some of them seem to be relevant to my present life, but other are just really weird.

For example, I finally finished taking down my braids of 3 months and decided I should fix it or at least make it look decent. I found a industry sized comb that would handle the jungle of my hair and after washing it, putting lots of conditioner, it started drying and I knew it was time to tackle it head on. I found lots of knots during this process which meant lots of hair falling out (blah). I deeply despise seeing my hair fall out. I don't know why but I just can't stand to see it.


"Qué te pasó" asked my Chilean sister Pauli.

"Todo mi pelo está cayendo!" I said in a frustrated, half laughing voice.

Later that night, I had a dream that more hair was falling out. My mom, aunty, sister and I were seated in our small sized bathroom at home on stools and discussing my hair.

Ladies and gents, you know I'm stressed. Pssh. Hope it passes quick 'cause my subconscious is really catching on about my true fears.

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