Saturday, November 6, 2010

Teach me how to Dougie (this one's a shortie)

Hola damas y caballeros (sin cabeza?)
     How goes the buena onda? Okay, so we've officially entered the month of noviembre (in Spanish, not much is capitalized apart from the first letter of the first word in a sentence) and summer is SOOOOO hot here, but we're still in spring. No importa. I'm back in the city of lights, the ocean ports and hills. These past few weeks have been quite interesantes and I'm semi-nervous for the next month because I'm not always the best when left to myself. Too much free time=not enough work getting done, but God willing, this month will not be this way. I'll learn to make good use of the time I'm given.


Dancing in Mil Tambores (Valparaiso)
Volunteering in a small community with kids (El Salto)
Performing Sleepy Hallow (Caballero sin cabeza is our Spanish translation) to little school children (Putre)
       --Almost anytime I get to dance in my own little world to good music or play with kids--
Spending time with friends from WashU (Valpo/Santiago)
Watching brilliant stars (Putre)
Sharing my faith (Everywhere in Chile)

I am not going to explain every single one of these because my words wouldn't do them justice, but what I've found from these experiences are my passions in this life. Anytime I perform (dance, sing, act), I get this high that only comes from these passions. Anytime I can make a small child smile/laugh, it makes that day all that better. I get a whole lot of satisfaction in simply doing these things, but also how others feel.

-Dancing I do for myself. It's funny because I lose sight of where I am and sometimes get too consumed in the moment. One time, we went to a pretty empty bar in Arica that had media-buena musica and enough space for a dance floor. My friends went to drink, but I'm not into that so when the music got really good, I basically got up and started dancing. My other friend joins and we've got a little dance floor going. 10 minutes later, another friend tells me that there is a man recording the both of us. I immediately stop because I didn't want to draw bad attention, but 2 min later...there I was again. Ah well, maybe I'll be famous. haha. Vamos a ver.-
Music is my heartbeat.

So passions? Not really sure how this will translate into the "real world" and what my future consists of, but right now, I'm loving these moments! I realize I'm very much a homebody, but when it comes to the very core of who I am, these passions are where it's at.

Left to myself, I'd be a professional child developer/enthusiast that danced on the side. Imagine that :)

I was going to upload a super ballin' photo, but Blogger's being a bit fome (Chilean slang...look it up!). Next time.

Until then, much love, peace and pig grease,

Ife 'Quilpayan' S.

P.S. Do YOU know how to Dougie? I hear it's all the rave.

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