Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Parting is such sweet sweet sorrow

(So I'm not really going anywhere, but I am parting from my life here in Valparaiso for two weeks).
Hola familia y amigos!
How is everyone this fabulous day? I figured I'd write today because I leave tomorrow at 8:15am for Arica, Chile for 2 weeks and don't know how regularly I'll have Internet access. Something I realized, even here in the city, isn't as reliable as I'd like, but oh wells. It's not the end of the world.
The past few weeks went well. All my papers got in on time and my presentation was good (I think) because my professor didn't have any questions for me (is that a good thing?). I am more sure on my topic for my project and even have a permanent adviser in the anthropology department! It's all rather exciting. She already wants me to show her all the work I've done so far! Let's go!
I've said lots of goodbyes recently.
First to our Spanish professors. Our last day of Spanish classes was last week Wednesday so we had an all American desayuno- breakfast- (omelets and breakfast potatoes) en la casa de nuestra profesora (in the house of our profesor). It was delicioso!! Soo good. I love huevos-eggs- in general so I was really happy. Unfortunately, she, the next day, said goodbye to her cuñado-brother in law- who died of a brain tumor.
We then had another mini desayuno with our other Spanish professor. It was bittersweet. They are both lovely people who have truly been helpful and open to our views, questions about Chile, and thoughts. Each student represented a unique person and they took it as so.
 Because there are more profs, we had an afternoon of bailes, empanadas and bebidas-dances, a meat pie, and drinks- celebrating the end of Spanish classes. This was more sweet than sorrow. I lovvvve empanadas because they remind me of the meat pies I eat in the States. Deliciosas! 
Second to my church family. I have gotten to know a small amount of the youth and the people in my church, Kingdom Vision. Mi iglesia-church- is kind of far from my house, but I don't mind. The people are really friendly and kind. A woman invited me to lunch one Sunday and a little girl asked to touch my skin to see what would happen. It was really funny. Lives shared is truly enjoyable. I realized that if I didn't start going up to people and introducing myself, I'd never meet anyone. So, I meet new people every week. This last Sunday, I said goodbye to some of my brothers and sisters in Christ until Nov. 7th. They wished me well and until next time.....
Thirdly to my friends in the program. Because half of us are going to Arica en el norte and the other half a Temuco en el sur, it had to be done. We all went to a nice restaurant in Limache (45 min. north of Valpo, where I live). Spent un dia piola -a nice day- tomando sol y hablando -getting some sun and talking-. It was super rico. Empanadas for a snack and bistec, arroz, y papas fritas para almuerzo-steak, rice and french fries for lunch. We took some hilarious photos and said our goodbyes.
Ultimately, to my family. We had an all family almuerzo-lunch- on Sunday with lots of people so that we could share one last collective lunch together. This indeed was bittersweet, I even almost shed a tear (for those of you who really know me, you know that I rarely cry. Imagine me almost shedding a tear. I'm making progress, no?) The shared highlights of our experience so far and the family expressed their appreciation and their thoughts about having us in their families. It was genial-nice.
    There are three of us (students) that pertain to the same family but live in different houses, so we, the students, decided to cook something for our family for las onces-tea time. It's usually in the place of dinner (I dinner. It took some getting used to) and is something light: crackers, bread, tea, cookies, sandwiches. Nothing too big. But esta vez-this time- we wanted to say thanks to our families for all they do and putting up with us.  

It's been one month and 3 weeks. It'll be a two months next week and then 1.5 months left. I'm not counting down. Just really aware of my time left.
I talked to one of my friends in the States the other day and realized how much I am enjoying myself here (even though I'm a bit fome-boring- sometimes because I don't do as much touring as others). I thought about my highlights and it dawned how life changing being in another culture can be. I'm truly happy and blessed to be here. My encounters with the people are indeed precious and unique.  
The weathers getting hoooottttt. Thank God. Pulling out the summer clothes! Woot Woot.
Okay ya'll, until next time, cuidense y que les vayan bien! Abrazo grandisimo!

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