Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Midnight Chronicles

So, it's not REALLY midnight, but I thought it's a shnazzy title. Eh.

Okay. Because it has been rather difficult for me to blog in the morning (since I hardly get up before noon), I'm trying something new: reading my bible both in the morning and in the evening and blogging then. I figured this would be better because I'm more awake and less likely to rant and rave (I hope). I would read the same passage both times so it would have had enough time to sink in and work it's power...mystical no?

Psalm 8 (the entire thing which in only 9 verses)

This psalm was written by David himself: the oh so famous writer and psalmist, of course. He begins by saying that the Lord's name is majestic in all the Earth and then proceeds to explain why! He mentions that infants praise his name, his enemies are intimidated by all this praise, nature expresses God's might, and we humans are so undeserving because we are just so little in comparison to all the magnificent things He created.

Think about it. Do you think you can compare yourself to a perfectly created star that never lies, cheats, speaks rude words, or suffers from pride issues? Uhm No. Nor do stars fail in blogging about their awesome creator.

Then at the same time, David lets us know that He (God) does care for us, so much that He gave us power and authority over ALL that He made. I was made a little lower than God himself. This doesn't call for celebratory actions because though I was made this way, I'm no longer this way because of my daggone sin. But because Jesus decided to restore us back to this position, it's all good now.
             Aight, that might be enough to chew on for now. Things to remember: Nature is more that something that takes up space, but it reflects God's majestic-ness and our redeemed position in God's eyes. Buenas Noches.