Monday, August 13, 2012

Pain, pain go away...

...come again another day.

Just watched a sermon from The Journey about how we respond to pain.

How Ife responds to pain:

  • Ignore it--I'm really good at ignoring things that bring me pain because I can always watch a movie, go on Facebook, read a book or do something that makes me happy.
  • Suppress it--My motto: Out of sight, out of mind.
  • Down play it--"It's part of life; just let it be."
  • Blog about it!--my favorite...generally makes me feel better
But the sermon that Darrin Patrick shared asks us to go to God with our pain. I sometimes do that...and then blog about it still. I know my God is all powerful, but I am sometimes too deep in the pain to think about how to properly approach God about my situation, which defeats the purpose of trusting Him; He needs to prep work because He wants me just as I am...a mess.

So, next time you're in pain, foresee pain or witness pain, go to God with it first and ask Him to work out a healing process. 

Here is the link to the sermon. Great stuff with great solutions. He pulls from the all too popular book of Habakkuk---now, where is that?

Much love, peace and praying grease,

Ife 'Quipayan' S.