Saturday, April 14, 2012

Choosing to surrender

You would think that after 22 years of life, I would have figured somethings out. Well, I haven't. I haven't figured out how to:

  1. Keep my room clean for more than 2 weeks
  2. Write a research paper over a span of 1 month
  3. Not binge spend
  4. Follow Jesus
Chris Tomlin's song I Will Follow You
"All your ways are good. All your ways are sure." This line reminds me that I should want to follow Jesus' ways, follow in His footsteps and learn for Him. I know I've repeated many times that it's not about me, but sometimes I twist this. I recognize God in me and what He's called me to do, however, I recently thought about what that really means and looks like. 

        In my heart, I want to remember that when I say I follow Jesus and I want Him to use me, I recognize that I have a choice to disobey. I recognize that ultimately following Jesus is a decision to surrender. Surrender. This word is scary because it calls us to relinquish control. Control over our body, over our heart, over our actions and our thoughts. Complete surrender. That's what following Jesus is about, not saying "Okay, Jesus I see your plan and I think I'm down for that because it fits my plan too!"  It's saying "Whoa, Jesus. I see you doing really radical things and though the person of Ife would rather run, I made a choice to follow you, and I will." It's a relationship to follow knowing that He's done it first.

       He's been there already. He's defeated death already. He's freed me from "wrongs" and "rights". The standards that I live by are not of this world.

This is my prayer. I've prayed it so many times. To fully surrender. It's a process so today I start with a surrender of my body. My body chooses to recognize that I've been bought with a price and I do not belong to myself.

SN: I'm shaking my head thinking about what I chose to do. Surrender. What!?! Alright Jesus, I'm embarking on this journey and you know I'll be laughing all the way.